International Comic Arts Forum Comics Scholarship Bibliography January 2020 to December 2020
What follows is a list of English-language comics scholarship published in 2020. Comics studies is a rapidly expanding interdisciplinary field, and this resource is intended to highlight the recent work in comics studies produced by scholars working in diverse departments, fields, and institutions. The bibliography is organized in two sections: one for monographs and edited collections, and another for peer-reviewed journal articles and essays from scholarly anthologies not primarily devoted to comics.
We compiled these citations by examining several comics-focused academic book publishers and journals and by issuing a call through various online platforms for comics scholars to submit citations. Because we relied heavily on self-reporting it is not comprehensive. Rather, it provides an overview of current work in the field and a place for scholars to search for connections, parallels, and affinities to their own work. For scholars looking to expand their inquiries with a searchable database focused on comics, the Bonn Online Bibliography of Comics Researchis an eminently useful resource, and scholars may wish to consult the MLA International Bibliography, Art Full Text, and other such more general databases. If your work was left out of this edition of the list, please submit a citation to [email protected] in the most recent MLA format and we will include it in the next update.
Monographs and Edited Collections
Ahmed, Maaheen, editor. Strong Bonds: Child-animal Relationships in Comics. Presses Universitaires de Liége, 2020.
Child-animal Relationships in Comics: A First Mapping -- Maaheen Ahmed
The Maternal Arf!: Raising Canines in the Roaring Twenties in Harold Gray’s Little Orphan Annie -- Peter W.Y. Lee
Towards and Unexpected Equivalence: Animal, Children and Adults in the Popular Flemish Strip Jommeke -- Gert Meesters and Pascal Lefévre
Hergé’s Animal Sidekicks: The Adventures of Snowy and Jocko -- Jennifer Marchant
(Super) Horsing Around: The Significance of Comet in Supergirl -- Olivia Hicks
A Girl and her Dinosaur: The Queerness of Childhood in Moon Girland Devil Dinosaur -- Nicole Eschen Solis
“Winner Take All!”: Children, Animals, and Mourning in Kirby’s Kamandi -- José Alaniz
“Once upon a time, there was a very bad rat…”: Constructions of Childhood, Young People, Vermin and Comics -- Mel Gibson
The Panther, the Girl, and the Wardrobe: Borderlessness and Domestic Terror in Panther -- Shaimin Kwa
Animal-child Dyad and Neurodivergence in Peanuts -- Michael Chaney and Sara Biggs Chaney
The Most Loyal of Friends, the Most Lethal of Enemies: Child-animal Relationships in Corriere dei Picolli during the First World War -- Fabiana Loparco
A Poetics of Anti-authorianism: Child-animal Relationships in Peanuts and Calvin and Hobbes -- Emmanuelle Rougé
Child-animal Interactions in Yakari’s Early Adventures: A Zoonarratological Reading -- Benoît Glaude
Graphic Cross-pollinations and Shapeshifting Fables in Matthew Forsythe’s Jinchalo -- Laura A. Pearson
Boule & Bill: Unwrapped -- Philippe Capart
Alber, Jan, and Brian Richardson, editors. Unnatural Narratology: Extensions, Revisions, and Challenges. Ohio State University Press, 2020.
Empathy the Long Way ’Round: Unnatural Autographic Narration -- Christopher D. Kilgore
(Un)Natural Temporalities in Graphic Narratives -- Raphaël Baroni
Aldama, Frederick Luis, editor. Graphic Indigeneity: Comics in the Americas and Australasia. University Press of Mississippi, 2020.
Nourishing Minds and Bodies with Indigenous Comics: A Foreword – Lee Francis IV
Graphic Indigeneity: Terra America and Terra Australasia – Frederick Luis Aldama
“We the North”: Interrogating Indigenous Appropriation as Canadian Identity in Mainstream American Comics – Brenna Clarke Gray
Jack Jackson, Native Representation, and Underground Comix – Chad A. Barbour
“Goin’ Native!”: Depictions of the First Peoples from “Down Under” – Jack Ford and Philip Cass
Representations of Indigenous Australians in Marvel Comics – Dennin Ellis
The Wisdom of the Phantom: The Secret Life of Australia’s Indigenous Superhero – Kevin Patrick
Outsmarting the Lords of Death: An Amerindian Cognitive Script in Comics – Arij Ouweneel
Memory in Pieces: Chola Power’s Origin Story and the Quest for Memory in Peru – Javier García Liendo
Visualizing an Alternative Mesoamerican Archive: Daniel Parada’s Comic Series Zotz in Historical Perspective – Jessica Rutherford
Critical Impulses in Daniel Parada’s Zotz: A Case Study in Indigenous Comics – Jorge Santos
The Battle for Recollection: Maya Historietas as Art for Remembering War – Brian Montes
Turey El Taíno and La Borinqueña: Puerto Rican Nationalist and Ethnic Resistance in Puerto Rican Comics Dealing with Taíno Cultural Heritage – Enrique García
Securing Stones in the Sky: Word-Drawn Recreations of Oral Trickster Tales – Jordan Clapper
Super Indians and the Indigenous Comics Renaissance – James J. Donahue
Seeing Histories, Building Futurities: Multimodal Decolonization and Conciliation in Indigenous Comics from Canada – Mike Borkent
Deep Time and Vast Place: Visualizing Land/Water Relations across Time and Space in Moonshot: The Indigenous Comics Collection – Jeremy M. Carnes
Deer Woman Re-Generations: Re-Activating First Beings and Re-Arming Sisterhoods of Survivance in Deer Woman: An Anthology – Joshua T. Anderson
Indigeneity, Intermediality, and the Haunted Present of Will I See? – Candida Rifkind and Jessica Fontaine
Afterlives: A Coda – Susan Bernardin
Aldama, Frederick Luis, editor. The Oxford Handbook of Comic Book Studies. Oxford University Press, 2020. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190917944.001.0001
Our World Republic of Comics: An Introduction – Frederick Luis Aldama
What Kind of Studies Is Comics Studies? – Benjamin Woo
Why There Is No “Language of Comics” – Frank Bramlett
In Box: Rethinking Text in the Digital Age – Shiamin Kwa
What Else Is a Comic? Between Bayeux and Beano – Evan Thomas
Reading Spaces: The Politics of Page Layout – Katherine Kelp-Stebbins
Comics as Art – David M. Ball
The Cartoon on the Comics Page: A Phenomenology – Christopher Pizzino
All By Myself: Single-Panel Comics and the Question of Genre – Michelle Ann Abate
Drawing, Redrawing, and Undrawing – Benoît Crucifix
Bakhtinian Laughter and Recent Political Editorial Cartoons – Michael A. Chaney and Sara B. Chaney
Columbia and the Editorial Cartoon – Nhora Lucía Serrano
Efficacy of Social Commentary through Cartooning – Ally Shwed
Radical Graphics: Australian Second-Phase Comics – Kevin Patrick
Self-Regulation and Self-Censorship: Comics Creators in Czechoslovakia and Communist Easter Bloc – Pavel Kořínek
This Is Who I Am: Hybridity and Materiality in Comics Memoir – John Logan Schell
Auto/biographics and Graphic Histories Made for the Classroom: Logicomix and Abina and the Important Men – Sidonie Smith and Julia Watson
Ambiguity in Parallel: Visualizing History in Boxers and Saints – Lan Dong
Irony, Ethics, and Lyric Narrative in Miriam Engelberg’s Cancer Made Me a Shallower Person – James Phelan
Animals in Graphic Narrative – José Alaniz
The Diversionary Art of Zeina Abirached in Le Piano Oriental – Mark McKinney
Disco, Derby, and Drag: The Queer Politics of Marvel’s Dazzler – Nicholas E. Miller
The Replacements: Ethnicity, Gender, and Legacy Heroes in Marvel Comics – Jeffrey A. Brown
Hammer in Hand: Feminist Community Building in Jason Aaron’s Thor – Susan Kirtley
When Feminism Went to Market: Issues in Feminist Anthology Comics of the 1980s and ‘90s – Rachel R. Miller
Children in Comics: Between Education and Entertainment, Conformity and Agency – Maaheen Ahmed
I’m Not a kid. I’m a shark!: Identity Fluidity in Noelle Stevenson’s Young-Adult Graphic Novels – James J. Donahue
Forgetting at the Intersection of Comics and the Multimodal Novel: James Sie’s Still Life Las Vegas – Torsa Ghosal
My Favorite Thing Is Monsters: The Socially Engaged Graphic Novel as a Platform for Intersectional Feminism – Dan Hassler-Forest
Paper or Plastic? Mapping the Transmedial Intersections of Comics and Action Figures – Daniel F. Yezbick and Jonathan Alexandratos
Transformative Architectures in Postcolonial Hong Kong Comics – Kin Wai Chu
Adaptation and Racial Representation in Dell/Gold Key TV Tie-ins – Andrew J. Kunka
Candy and Drugs for Dinner: Rat Queens, Genre, and Our Aesthetic Categories – Sean Guynes
Non-Compliants, Brimpers, and She-Romps: Bitch Planet, Sex Criminals, and Their Publics – Henry Jenkins
Literary Adaptations in Comics and Graphic Novels – Jan Baetens
Comics Studies in America: The Making of a Field of Scholarship? – Ian Gordon
Next Issue: Anticipation and Promise in Comics Studies – Randy Duncan and Matthew J. Smith
Comics Studies as Interdiscipline – Dale Jacobs
Comics Studies as Practitioner-Scholar – Damian Duffy
Aldama, Frederick Luis, editor. The Routledge Companion to Gender and Sexuality in Comic Book Studies, Routledge, 2020.
Gender and Sexuality in Comics: The Told, Untold Stories -- Frederick Luis Aldama
Translating Masculinity: The Significance of the Frontier in American Superheroes -- Patrick L. Hamilton
Black Boys and Black Girls in Comics: An Affective and Historical Mapping of Intertwined Stereotypes -- Maaheen Ahmed
Pocket-Sized Pornography: Representations of Sexual Violence and Masculinity in Tijuana Bibles -- Erin Barry
The Comic-Strip in Advertising: Persuasion, Gender, Sexuality -- Constance de Silva
Real Men Choose Vasectomy: Questioning and Redefining Mexican National Masculinity in Los Supermachos, from Rius to Anonymous Authors -- Annick Pellegrin
Marriage, Domesticity and Superheroes (For Better or Worse) -- Jeffrey A. Brown
"Is that a monster between your legs or are ya just happy to see me?": Sex, Subjectivity, and the Superbody in the Marvel Swimsuit Special -- Anna F. Peppard
Life Out Loud in the Closet: The Grotesque as Latinx Imagination in Cristy C. Road’s Spit and Passion -- Jennifer Caroccio Maldonado
Graphic (Narrative) Presentations of Violence Against Indigenous Women: Responses to the MMIW Crisis in North America -- James J. Donahue
From "Accidental" Autobiography to Comics Activism: Tracing the Development of an Andalusian-Chinese Feminism in the Work of Comics Artist Quan Zhou -- Jennifer Nagtegaal
Plea Deal Compounds: Black Women’s Anger in "the System" of Bitch Planet -- Katlin Marisol Sweeney
Panels of Innocence and Experience: Reading Sexual Subjectivity Through Horror Comics -- Sara Austin
Teenage Biology 101: Serializing a Queer Girlhood in Ariel Schrag's Potential -- Rachel R. Miller
Genre, Gender, Sexual, Textual and Visual, and Real Representations in Bande Dessinée -- C(h)ris Reyns-Chikuma
A Comics Écriture Féminine: Anke Feuchtenberger’s Feminist Graphic Expression -- Elizabeth "Biz" Nijdam
"I’m Trapped In Here!" Gender Performativity and Affect in Emma Ríos's I.D. -- Mikel Bermello Isusi
Empirical Looking: Situating the Multiple Elements of Radioactive: Marie & Pierre Curie, A Tale of Love and Fallout as Vehicles for Articulating a Place for Women in Science -- Lisa DeTora
From Anodyne Animals to Filthy Beasts: Defying and Defiling Safety, Sanctity, and Sexual Suppression in Underground Animal Comics -- Daniel F. Yezbick
Wonder Woman’s Complicated Relationship with Feminism -- George Thomas
"Part of Something Bigger": Ms./Captain Marvel -- Carolyn Cocca
Higher, Further, Faster Baby! The Feminist Evolution of Carol Danvers from Comics to Film -- Sam Langsdale
Female Fans, Female Creators, and Female Superheroes: The Semiotics of Changing Gender Dynamics -- Angela Ndalianis
Public-Facing Feminisms: Subverting the Lettercol in Bitch Planet -- Brenna Clarke Gray
"I’d Like Everything That’s Bad For Me!": Tank Girl’s Cracks in Patriarchal Pop Culture -- Susan Kerns
Falling In or Stepping Out: Little Red Formation as Agentic Gender Construction in Lumberjanes -- Karly Marie Grice
"A Revelation Not of the Flesh, but of the Mind": Performing Queer Textuality in Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home -- Maite Urcaregui
BLOOD, or: Gender and Nation in the Contemporary Polish Comic -- Kalina Kupczynska
My Grandmother Collects Memories: Gender and Remembrance in Hispanic Graphic Narratives -- Radmila (Lale) Stefkova
Feminist Riots and Gay Giants: The Mayo Feminista and Cultural Context of Contemporary Queer Chilean Comics -- Sam Cannon
Questioning Obscenity: The Place of "Pussy" in Manga and the World -- Lindsey Stirek
See Him, See Her, See Xir: LGBTQ Visibility in Shōnen Manga at the Turn of the Century -- Zachary Michael Lewis Dean
An Age of Sparkle and Drama: Exploring Gender Identities and Cultural Narratives in 1970s Shōjo Manga -- Lorna Piatti-Farnell
Representing the Extreme End-point of Sexual Violence: ethical strategies in Phoebe Gloeckner’s La Tristeza -- Rebecca Scherr
The People Upstairs: Space, Memory, and the Queered Family in My Favorite Thing Is Monsters by Emil Ferris -- Shiamin Kwa
Fat Bats, Postpunks, and Ice Witches: Afrogoth and the Undead Music of Militia Vox and the Comix of Calyn Pickens Rich -- Deborah Elizabeth Whaley
Catherine Meurisse and the Gender of Art -- Margaret C. Flinn
My Life With Toys: An Academic Esai into the Queer Multipurposing of Toys as Interrupted by the Author’s Life -- Jonathan Alexandratos
Aman, Robert. The Phantom Comics and the New Left: A Socialist Superhero. Palgrave, 2020. Baetens, Jan. Rebuilding Story Worlds: The Obscure Cities by Schuiten and Peeters. Rutgers University Press, 2020. Baldanzi, Jessica, and Hussein Rashid, editors. Ms. Marvel’s America: No Normal. University Press of Mississippi, 2020. DOI: 10.14325/mississippi/9781496827029.001.0001
Introduction – Jessica Baldanzi and Hussein Rashid
Mentoring Ms. Marvel: Marvel’s Kamala Khan and the Reconstitution of Carol Danvers – J. Richard Stevens
Placing Ms. Marvel and Dust: Marvel Comics, the New York Metro Area, and the “Muslim Problem” – Martin Lund
Ms. Marvel Is an Immigrant – Hussein Rashid
“The Only Nerdy Pakistani-American-Slash-Inhuman in the Entire Universe”: Postracialism and Politics in the New Ms. Marvel – Sika A. Dagbovie-Mullins and Eric Berlatsky
“I Would Rather Be a Cyborg”: Both/And Technoculture and the New Ms. Marvel – Jessica Baldanzi
Hope and the Sa’a of Ms. Marvel – A. David Lewis
The Transformational Resistance of Ms. Marvel in America – Peter E. Carlson and Antero Garcia
More than a Mask, Burkini, and Tights: Fighting Misrepresentations through Ms. Marvel’s Costumes – Kristin M. Peterson
“Wow, Many Heroes, Much Super, Such Girl”: Kamala Khan and Female Comics Fandom – Aaron Kashtan
Kamala Khan, Miles Morales, and Marvel NOW!: Challenging the Traditional White Male Fan – Nicholaus Pumphrey
Madina on the Light Rail (That Girl Is Me) – José Alaniz
Interview with G. Willow Wilson – Shabana Mir
Ballestro, John, editor. The Library's Guide to Graphic Novels. ALA editions, 2020. · Introduction: The Light-- John Ballestro · Between the Panels: A Cultural History of Comic Books and Graphic Novels-- Joshua Everett · Graphic Novel Companies, Reboots, and Numbering-- John Ballestro · Creating and Developing a Graphic Literature Collection in an Academic Library-- Andrea Kingston · Nonfiction Graphic Novels-- Carli Spina · Fiction Graphic Novels-- Kayla Kuni · International Comic Books and Graphic Novels-- Lucia Cedeira Serantes, Emily Drew, and Amie Wright · Building a Japanese Manga Collection for Nontraditional Patrons in an Academic Library-- Michael P. Williams and Molly Des Jardin · Graphic Medicine in Your Library: Ideas and Strategies for Collecting Comics about Health Care-- Alice Jaggers, Matthew Noe, and Ariel Pomputius · The Nuts and Bolts of Comics Cataloging-- Allison Bailund, Hallie Clawson, and Staci Crouch · Teaching and Programming with Graphic Novels in Academic Libraries-- Jacob Gordon and Sara C. Kern Berkowitz, Drew Emanuel. Framing School Violence and Bullying in Young Adult Manga: Fictional Perspectives on a Pedagogical Problem. Palgrave, 2020. DOI:
Clanton, Dan W. Jr., and Terry R. Clark. The Oxford Handbook of the Bible and American Popular Culture. Oxford University Press, 2020. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190461416.001.0001
"The Biblical Theme of Covenant and American Popular Culture from Colonial Times to Comic Books" -- Terry R. Clark
"Non-Biblical Comics Engage the Bible" -- Elizabeth Rae Coody
"The Book of Jonah in Graphic Novel Adaptations of the Bible" -- Scott S. Elliott
"How American Newspaper Comic Strips Portray God, Angels, and Humans" -- Leonard Greenspoon
Cocca, Carolyn. Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel: Militarism and Feminism in Comics and Film. Routledge, 2020. DOI:
Cohn, Neil. Who Understands Comics?: Questioning the Universality of Visual Language Comprehension. Bloomsbury, 2020.
Cole, Jean Lee. How the Other Half Laughs: The Comic Sensibility in American Culture, 1895-1920. University Press of Mississippi, 2020. DOI: 10.14325/mississippi/9781496826527.001.0001
Darowski, Joseph J. The Ages of the Black Panther: Essays on the King of Wakanda in Comic Books. McFarland, 2020.
The “Secret Origin” of the Black Panther: Literary and Historical Sources of Inspiration -- Liam T. Webb
Breaking (Some) Ground While Dodging Politics: How Stan Lee and Jack Kirby Started a Legend -- Cathy Leogrande
A Tale of Two Panthers: T’Challa and the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense -- Charles W. Henebry
Wakanda Forever! (Except for That One Time…): The Black Panther Party, Apartheid and the Brief Identity Crisis of the Black LEOPARD?!? -- Christopher Maverick
Wakanda Speaks: Animals and Animacy in “Panther’s Rage” -- José Alaniz
Fighting the Long War Against the Klan: The Black Panther as a Symbol of Self-Defense and Social Justice -- Burton P. Buchanan, Ivon Alcime and Carlos D. Morrison
The Shadow of Apartheid: Analyzing Peter Gillis’ Run in the 1980s -- Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni Berns
The King of Wakanda and the Emperor of the Useless White Boys: Race and Gender in Christopher Priest’s Black Panther -- John Darowski
An Initiative for a More Fantastic Union: Prowling Around the PATRIOT Act -- Peter W.Y. Lee
Secret Invasions, Lost Technology and 21st Century Learning Skills: How Black Panther Saved Wakanda Using the “Four C’s” -- Daniel J. Bergman
Gender in Wakanda: Exploring Intersectionality and Hyper-Sexualization in Princess Shuri’s Tenure as Black Panther -- Hollie FitzMaurice
Black Panther, Namor and Mimetic Violence in Jonathan Hickman’s New Avengers -- Matthew Brake
A Different Nation: Continuing a Legacy of Decolonization in Black Panther -- Julian C. Chambliss
Davies, Dominic, and Candida Rifkind, editors. Documenting Trauma in Comics: Traumatic Pasts, Embodied Histories, and Graphic Reportage. Palgrave, 2020. DOI:
Introduction: Documenting Trauma in Comics – Dominic Davies
Hierarchies of Pain: Trauma Tropes Today and Tomorrow – Katalin Orbán
Emotional History and Legacies of War in Recent German Comics and Graphic Novels – Alexandra Lloyd
The Past That Will Not Die: Trauma, Race, and Zombie Empire in Horror Comics of the 1950s – Michael Goodrum
Exploring Trauma and Social Haunting Through Community Comics Creation – Sarah McNicol
Comic: “Documenting Trauma” – Nicola Streeten
Traumatic Moments: Retrospective ‘Seeing’ of Violation, Rupture, and Injury in Three Post-millennial Indian Graphic Narratives – E. Dawson Varughese
This Side, That Side: Restoring Memory, Restorying Partition – A. P. Payal and Rituparna Sengupta
Visual Detention: Reclaiming Human Rights Through Memory in Leila Abdelrazaq’s Baddawi – Haya Saud Alfarhan
Comic: Crying in the Chapel – Una
Folding, Cutting, Reassembling: Materializing Trauma and Memory in Comics – Ian Hague
‘To Create Her World Anew’: Charlotte Salomon’s Graphic Life Narrative – Emma Parker
Una’s Becoming Unbecoming, Visuality, and Sexual Trauma – Ana Baeza Ruiz
Discourses of Trauma and Representation: Motherhood and Mother Tongue in Miriam Katin’s Graphic Memoirs – Eszter Szép
Comic: First Person Third – Bruce Mutard
Comics Telling Refugee Stories – Nina Mickwitz
Migrant Detention Comics and the Aesthetic Technologies of Compassion – Candida Rifkind
Comics as Memoir and Documentary: A Case Study of Sarah Glidden – Johannes C. P. Schmid
Afterword – Hillary Chute
De Dauw, Esther, and Daniel J. Connell, editors. Toxic Masculinity. Mapping the Monstrous in Our Heroes. University Press of Mississippi, 2020.
Introduction: The Subaltern and the Hegemonic – Esther De Dauw and Daniel J. Connell
The monstrous in Batwoman: Military Masculinity in Domestic Spaces – Esther De Dauw
Days of Future Past: Queer Identities and the X-Men – Drew Murphy
Emma Frost, the White Queen: Superpowers as the Performance of Gender – Richard Reynolds
Conclusion: Reflecting on Toxic Masculinity - Esther De Dauw and Daniel J. Connell
Dobrin, Sidney I. Ecocomix: Essays on the Environment in Comics and Graphic Novels. McFarland, 2020.
EcoComix: An Introduction -- Sidney I. Dobrin
The Threat of (Non)Normative Nature: Queer Ecology in H2O and A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge -- Ashley Holland
The Middle Voice of EcoComix: Reading Philippe Squarzoni’s Climate Changed -- Terry Harpold
Virtual Farmer, Real Activist? Cory Doctorow and Jen Wang’s In Real Life -- Anastasia Salter
The “GUD,” the “BAD” and the Biorg: Reading the Postanimal in We3 -- Melissa Bianchi
Follow the Concrete Submersible -- Sidney I. Dobrin
“Where You Create Life”: Monsters and Nature in Black Orchid -- Spencer Chalifour
How the Comic Book Store Became Ecological -- Aaron Kashtan
Trees, Anti-Advocacy and Visual Rhetoric in Truax (A Parody of The Lorax) -- Madison Jones
Treacherous Fields and Bunny Girls: Representations of Nature in Yuu Watase’s Alice 19th -- Catherine Kyle
Killing Oliver Queen: Environmentalist Meaning and Demeaning in Green Arrow -- Eric C. Otto
Frankel, Valerie Estelle. Wonder Woman and Bad Girls: Superheroine and Supervillainess Archetypes in Popular Media. McFarland, 2020.
Giddens, Thomas, editor. Critical Directions in Comics Studies. University Press of Mississippi, 2020.
Critical Comics Studies: An Origin Story -- Thom Giddens
On Violation: Comic Books, Delinquency, Phenomenology -- Christopher Pizzino
Articulating Health Humanities in Graphic Narratives by Medical Illustrators -- Lisa DeTora
“There is a Man … with a Typewriter’: Deadpool as Existential Antihero, Breaking the Fourth Wall of Meaningful Existence -- Yasemin J. Erden
Theological “Seeing” of Law: Daredevil, Christian Iconography, and Legal Aesthetics -- Timothy D. Peters
Let’s Get Critical! -- Lydia Wysocki
The Freedom of the Press: Comics, Labor, and Value in the Birmingham Arts Lab -- Maggie Gray
Hate, Marginalization, and Tramp-Bashing: A Raceless and Critical Realist Approach to Researching British National Identity through Comics -- Lydia Wysocki
Comics and Heteroglossia -- Paul Fisher Davies
Women’s Cartoons and Comics in the Twenty-First Century: How the Humor in Simone Lia’s Fluffy Challenges Gendered Assumptions Around Parenting -- Nicola Streeten
Politicization of Life and Auto-Thanatopolitics in V for Vendetta -- Vladislav Maksimov
The Nested Text -- Paul Fisher Davies
“Destructive Interim Formation” -- Thomas Giddens
The Mask as Anti-Apparatus: On the Counter-Dispositif of V for Vendetta -- Peter Goodrich
“So You Still Believe in the Future?” Socialist Utopianism and Marxist Critique in The Red Virgin and the Vision of Utopia -- Matthew J.A. Green
The Parable of Bill Ayers: Comics, Allegory, and Critical Legal Thinking -- Adam Geary
Grennan, Simon, Roger Sabin, and Julian Waite. Marie Duval: Maverick Victorian Cartoonist. Manchester University Press, 2020. Guynes, Sean, and Martin Lund, editors. Unstable Masks: Whiteness and American Superhero Comics. Ohio State University Press, 2020. DOI:
Foreword: Unmasking Whiteness: Re-Spacing the Speculative in Superhero Comics -- Frederick Luis Aldama
Introduction: Not to Interpret, but to Abolish: Whiteness Studies and American Superhero Comics -- Sean Guynes and Martin Lund
Marked for Failure: Whiteness, Innocence, and Power in Defining Captain America -- Osvaldo Oyola
The Whiteness of the Whale and the Darkness of the Dinosaur: The Africanist Presence in Superhero Comics from Black Lightning to Moon Girl -- Eric Berlatsky and Sika Dagbovie-Mullins
“The Original Enchantment”: Whiteness, Indigeneity, and Representational Logics in The New Mutants -- Jeremy M. Carnes
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: The Racial Politics of Cloak and Dagger -- Olivia Hicks
Worlds Collide: Whiteness, Integration, and Diversity in the DC/Milestone Crossover -- Shamika Ann Mitchell
Whiteness and Superheroes in the Comix/Codices of Enrique Chagoya -- José Alaniz
Seeing White: Normalization and Domesticity in Vision’s Cyborg Identity -- Esther De Dauw
“Beware the Fanatic!”: Jewishness, Whiteness, and Civil Rights in X-Men (1963–1970) -- Martin Lund
Mutation, Racialization, Decimation: The X-Men as White Men -- Neil Shyminsky
White Plasticity and Black Possibility in Darwyn Cooke’s DC: The New Frontier -- Sean Guynes
White or Indian? Whiteness and Becoming the White Indian Comics Superhero -- Yvonne Chireau
“A True Son of K’un-Lun”: The Awkward Racial Politics of White Martial Arts Superheroes in the 1970s -- Matthew Pustz
The Whitest There Is at What I Do: Japanese Identity and the Unmarked Hero in Wolverine (1982) -- Eric Sobel
The Dark Knight: Whiteness, Appropriation, Colonization, and Batman in the New 52 Era -- Jeffrey A. Brown
Afterword: Empowerment for Some, or Tentacle Sex for All -- Noah Berlatsky
Introduction – Samantha Langsdale and Elizabeth Rae Coody
Rewriting to Control: How the Origins of Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman, and Mary Magdalene Matter to Women’s Perceived Power – Elizabeth Rae Coody
Exploring the Monstrous Feminist Frame: Marvel’s She-Hulk as Male-Centric Postfeminist Discourse – J. Richard Stevens
“There Is More to Me Than Just Hunger”: Female Monsters and Liminal Spaces in Monstress and Pretty Deadly – Ayanni C. H. Cooper
The (Un)Remarkable Fatness of Valiant’s Faith – Stefanie Snider
New and Improved? Disability and Monstrosity in Gail Simone’s Batgirl – Charlotte Johanne Fabricius
Horrible Victorians: Interrogating Power, Sex, and Gender in InSEXts – Keri Crist-Wagner
Kicking Ass in Flip-Flops: Inappropriate/d Generations and Monstrous Pregnancy in Comics Narratives – Jeannie Ludlow
The Monstrous Portrayal of the Maternal Bolivian Chola in Contemporary Comics – Marcela Murillo
The Monstrous “Mother” in Moto Hagio’s Marginal: The Posthuman, the Human, and the Bioengineered Uterus – Tomoko Kuribayashi
SeDUCKtress! Magica De Spell, Scrooge McDuck, and the Avuncular Anthropomorphism of Carl Barks’s Midcentury Disney Comics – Daniel F. Yezbick
On the Edge of 1990s Japan: Kyoko Okazaki and the Horror of Adolescence – Novia Shih-Shan Chen and Sho Ogawa
Chinese Snake Woman Resurfaces in Comics: Considering the Case Study of Calabash Brothers – Jing Zhang
Monochromatic Teats, Teeth, and Tentacles: Monstrous Visual Rhetoric in Stephen L. Stern and Christopher Steininger’s Beowulf: The Graphic Novel – Justin Wigard
Beauty and Her B(r)east(s): Monstrosity and College Women in The Jaguar – Pauline J. Reynolds and Sara Durazo-DeMoss
UFO (Unusual Female Other) Sightings in Saucer Country/State: Metaphors of Identity and Presidential Politics – Christina M. Knopf
Lee, Judith Yaross and John Bird, editors. Seeing Mad: Essays on Mad Magazine’s Humor and Legacy. University of Missouri Press, 2020.
Foreword: First There Was Mad: Reflections of a Former Managing Editor of National Lampoon – Peter Kaminsky
Introduction: MADness, Mishugas, Manhattan: Mad as That Other New York(er) Humor – Judith Yaross Lee
Inside the Editorial Process: Mad Veterans Jaffee and Meglin Look at Their Editors — Paul Levitz
Harvey Kurtzman and Modern American Satire – M. Thomas Inge
Al Feldstein and Mad’s Humor of Social Critique – Margaret Cavin Hambrick
Wally Wood: Picturing Male Adolescent Desire in Mad’s Early Parodies – Joseph W. Slade
The Lighter—and Weightier—Side of Mad; Or, Everything I Needed to Know About Gender and Sexuality I Learned from Dave Berg – Ann M. Ciasullo
The Secret History of Alfred E. Neuman – Alan Rankin
The “Mad 20” with Alfred E. Neuman; Or, It’s the Covers, Stupid – Christopher J. Gilbert
The Prohías Paradox: The Cold War Specificity and Existential Universality of “Spy vs. Spy” – Michael J. Socolow
Mad About Poe: Poetry in a Jugular Vein – Dennis W. Eddings
Sing Along with Alfred: Humor, Satire, and Culture in the Music of Mad – John Bird
You Always Hurt the Ones You Love: Mad Magazine’s Affectionate Parodies of Beloved Film Classics – Don Baird
A Golden Age of Blecch: Mad Magazine’s Parodic Satire of Quality Television – Ethan Thompson
Folding Against the Establishment: Satiric Distance and Difference in Al Jaffee’s Back Cover Feature in Mad Magazine – Kerry Soper
A Secular Talmud: The Jewish Sensibility of Mad Magazine – Nathan Abrams
Mutually Assured Disparagement: Enmification and Enlightenment in Early 1950s Mad – James J. Kimble
Diplomats Gone Mad: A Musical Rumble – James D. Bloom
Joining the Fray? Mad on Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew – Nicolas Labarre
“Comedy before Country”: Engaged Levity and Absurdist Critique in Mad Magazine – Jeffrey St. Onge
Genre Studies and Mad Magazine: Changing and Challenging Genres, 1953-1966 – Kathleen Mollick
Sons of Mad: Harvey Kurtzman and the Rise of Underground Comix (an Alternate-Universe Analysis) – Nicholas Sammond
Quotations from the Future: Harvey Kurtzman’s “Superduperman!,” Nostalgia, and Alan Moore’s Miracleman – Brian Cremins
McKinney, Collin, and David F. Richter, editors. Spanish Graphic Narratives: Recent Developments in Sequential Art. Palgrave, 2020. DOI:
Graphic Spain: From Aleluyas to the “Second Boom” – Collin McKinney and David F. Richter
Espacios en blanco: Historical Memory, Defeat, and the Comics Imaginary – Lena Tahmassian
Memory, Amnesia, and Forgetting: Graphic Representations of a Chronic Disease in Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Spain – Fernando Simón Abad
Recovering the Irrecoverable: “The Memory of What Matters” in Three Works by Paco Roca – Diego Batista
The Persistent Memories of Federico García Lorca: History, Poetry, and Spanish Graphic Narratives – David F. Richter
Polemic Collision: Race, Immigration, and Gender Violence in Olimpita – Jeffrey K. Coleman
“I Hate Being Chinese”: Migration, Cultural Identity, and Autobiography in Quan Zhou Wu’s Gazpacho agridulce – Adrián Collado
Black and Basque Power: Visualizing Race and Resistance in Black is Beltza – N. Michelle Murray
Gender, Genre, and Retribution in Rayco Pulido’s Lamia: A Historical Novel for the Present Day – Collin McKinney
Maternal Life Writing in Contemporary Spanish Graphic Narratives: From Blog to Book – Marina Bettaglio
“In This Country, the Past Never Dies”: Superheroes, Democracy, and the Culture of the Spanish Transition in ¡García! – Alberto Martín López
The Right to Barcelona: Spectrality, Unbuiltness, and El fantasma de Gaudí – Maria DiFrancesco
The Post-15M Condition: Liminality and Multitude in Spanish Graphic Narratives – Xavier Dapena
Mougin, Lou. Secondary Superheroes of Golden Age Comics. McFarland, 2020.
The Differential Diagnosis of Elizabeth Arkham -- Elyse D. Weiner
ECT in Arkham Asylum: Pacification, Assassination and Electrocution -- Timothy W. Kneeland
Hallucinations and Psychedelics in Arkham -- Matthew Brown and Fernando Espí Forcén
I’m [Virtual] Batman: Violence and Video Games -- Ryan C.W. Hall and Susan Hatters Friedman
Deadly and Dysfunctional Family Dynamics: When Fiction Mirrors Fact -- Susan Hatters Friedman and Ryan C.W. Hall
Murderous Minds, Arkham Villains and Real (Not Reel) Life Movie Massacres -- Sharon Packer
Anti-Psychiatry and the Arkham Asylum -- Fernando Espí Forcén
Harley Quinn and the Joker: Pitfalls of Doctor-Patient Romances -- Sharon Packer
Unethical Experiments in Arkham and Elsewhere -- Sharon Packer
Arkham’s Sinister Psychiatrists and the Continuum with Caligari -- Sharon Packer
Haunted by Madness: Horror and the Supernatural in Arkham Asylum -- Michael Markus
Breaking Out: The Escaped Mental Patient in the Batman Universe -- Jeffrey Bullins
The Suicide Squad: From Bad to Good and Back Again -- Jaq Greenspon and Rasa Greenspon
Animated Arkham: Television and Children’s Perceptions of Psychiatric Treatment -- Kristi Rowan Humphreys
The Fine Line Between Sanity and Madness in Star Trek’s “Whom Gods Destroy” and Arkham Asylum: A Serious Place on Serious Earth -- Darren Harris-Fain and Eric J. Sterling
If Walls Could Scream: Embedded Narratives and Mazes of Madness in the Virtual Space of Arkham Asylum -- Shawn Edrei
Excavating Arkham: The Mental Asylum as Horrible Homecoming -- Brenda S. Gardenour Walter
Bizarro Arkham, Bizarro World: The Looking Glass Looks Back -- Aaron Barlow
The Neo-Expressionist Agony of Arkham Asylum -- Rosa JH Berland
Surrealism’s Influence on Arkham and Psychiatry’s Influence on Surrealism -- Sharon Packer
Poe’s Place in Arkham Asylum: Precursors and Parallels -- Caleb Puckett
H.P. Lovecraft, Literary Heritage and Batman: Arkham Asylum -- Eric Sandberg
Evil Clowns and Acrobats: The Joker and Harley Quinn -- Adam W. Darlage
Matricide and Myth -- Daniel R. Fredrick
Peppard, Anna F, editor. Supersex: Sexuality, Fantasy, and the Superhero. University of Texas Press, 2020. DOI:
Introduction: Presence and Absence in Theory and Practice: Locating Supersex -- Anna F. Peppard
Tarpé Mills’s Miss Fury: Costume, Sexuality, and Power -- Richard Reynolds
· Superman Family Values: Supersex in the Silver Age -- Matt Yockey · A Storm of Passion: Sexual Agency and Symbolic Capital in the X-Men’s Storm -- J. Andrew Deman · Dazzler, Melodrama, and Shame: Mutant Allegory, Closeted Readers -- Brian Johnson · “Super-Gay” Gay Comix: Tracing the Underground Origins and Cultural Resonances of LGBTQ Superheroes -- Sarah Panuska · Parents, Counterpublics, and Sexual Identity in Young Avengers -- Keith Friedlander · X-Men Films and the Domestication of Dissent: Sexuality, Race, and Respectability -- Christopher B. Zeichmann · Over the Rainbow Bridge: Female/Queer Sexuality in Marvel’s Thor Film Trilogy -- Samantha Langsdale · “No One’s Going to Be Looking at Your Face”: The Female Gaze and the New (Super)Man in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman -- Anna F. Peppard · The Visible and the Invisible: Superheroes, Pornography, and Phallic Masculinity -- Jeffrey A. Brown · “I Think That’s My Favorite Weapon in the Whole Batcave”: Interrogating the Subversions of’s Gay Superhero Porn Parodies -- Joseph Brennan · “That’s Pussy Babe!”: Queering Supergirl’s Confessions of Power -- Olivia Hicks · Meet Stephanie Rogers, Captain America: Genderbending the Body Politic in Fan Art, Fiction, and Cosplay -- Anne Kustritz
Epilogue: The Matter with Size -- Richard Harrison
Peter, Anu Mary, and Sathyaraj Venkatesan. Gender, Eating Disorders, and Graphic Medicine. Routledge, 2020. DOI:
Piepmeier, Olivia, and Stephanie Grimm, editors. Comics and Critical Librarianship: Reframing the Narrative in Academic Libraries. Library Juice Press, 2019.
Introduction -- Olivia Piepmeier and Stephanie Grimm
Beyond Representation: Addressing the Role of Empathy through Diversity in Graphic Narratives -- Kamaria Hatcher
The Work of Critical Sequential Art Selection in Academic Libraries -- Elliott Kuecker and Brad Hawley
Making Use of the White Space: The Mazinbiige Indigenous Graphic Novel Collection at the University of Manitoba -- Camille Callison, Niigaanwewidam Sinclair, and Greg Bak
Black to the Future: A Librarian’s Guide to Building an Afrofuturist Comics and Graphic Novels Collection -- Kai Alexis Smith and Aisha Conner-Gaten
Challenging “Stereotypes and Fixity”: African American Comic Books in the Academic Archive -- Brian Flota
Building a South Asian Comics Collection -- Mara L. Thacker
Advocating for Diversity: Collecting Comics to Reflect Our Students -- Breanne Crumpton, Michelle Mitchell, Alva Jones Jr., and Jenay Solomon
Comics in Special Collections: Purposeful Collection Development for Promoting Inclusive History -- Caitlin McGurk and Jenny E. Robb
Apocalyptic Comics, Women Detectives, and the Many Faces of Batgirl: Creating More Inclusive Comic Records through Flexible Cataloging Practices -- Liz Adams and Rich Murray
Specter of Censorship: Comics in Academic Library Leisure Reading Collections -- Andrew Wang
The Extraordinary Result of Doing Something Ordinary -- Kelly McElroy
Visualizing Arguments: Constructing Comics to Unpack Scholarly Texts -- Samantha Kirk and Patricia Guardiola
Comics as Social Movement Primary Sources: The Consciousness-Raising Comics of the Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste -- David Woken
The Value of Nonfiction Comics for Critical Information Literacy Instruction -- Carly Diab
Excavating Visual Texts: Information Literacy, Critical Thinking, and the Graphic Novel in the Crime Fiction Classroom -- Susanne F. Paterson and Carolyn White Gamtso
Drawing them In: Critical Use of Comics in Library Exhibitions and Programs -- Gerald Natal and Jennifer Martinez Wormser
Comics in the Clinic -- Kathryn M. Houk, Michelle P. Green, Matthew Noe, and Ariel Pomputius
Feminist Curating with Our Comics, Ourselves -- Jan Descartes and Monica Johnson
Minicomics Workshops and Comic Arts Fairs to Empower Our Communities -- Lindsay Gibb
Precup, Mihaela. The Graphic Lives of Fathers: Memory, Representation, and Fatherhood in North American Autobiographical Comics. Palgrave, 2020. DOI:
Rauscher, Andreas, Daniel Stein, and Jan-Noël Thon, editors. Comics and Video Games: From Hybrid Medialities to Transmedia Expansions. Routledge, 2020.
Introduction: Comics and videogames -- Andreas Rauscher, Daniel Stein, and Jan-Noël Thon
Of Pac-Men and Star Raiders: Early mutual representations between comics and videogames (1981–1983) -- Nicolas Labarre
Interfacing comics and games: A socio-affective multimodal approach -- Carman Ng
Game comics: Theory and design -- Daniel Merlin Goodbrey
Game-comics and comic-games: Against the concept of hybrids -- Hans-Joachim Backe
Building stories: The interplay of comics and games in Chris Ware’s works -- Nina Eckhoff-Heindl
Homestuck as a game: A webcomic between playful participation, digital technostalgia, and irritating inventory systems -- Tim Glaser
Metal Gear Solid and its comic adaptations -- Claudius Stemmler
Many Spider-Men are better than one: Referencing as narrative strategy -- Dominik Mieth
The not-so Fantastic Four franchise: A critical history of the comic, the films, and the Disney/Fox merger -- Robert Alan Brookey and Nan Zhang
The road to Arkham Asylum: Batman: Dark Tomorrow and transitional transmedia -- James Fleury
When rules collide: Definitional strategies for superheroes across comic books and games -- William Uricchio
The manifestations of game characters in a media mix strategy -- Joleen Blom
Creating Lara Croft: The meaning of the comic books for the Tomb Raider franchise -- Josefa Much
Beyond immersion: Gin Tama and palimpsestuous reception -- Susana Tosca
Rhode, Michael and John A. Lent. Comics Research Bibliography 2020 ebook edition, ComicsDC, 2020, Arlington, VA.
Rifas, Leonard. Korean War Comic Books. McFarland, 2020.
Squier, Susan Merrill, and Irmela Marei, Krüger-Fürhoff, editors. PathoGraphics: Narrative, Aesthetics, Contention, Community. Penn State University Press, 2020.
Introduction -- Susan Merrill Squier and Irmela Marei Krüger-Fürhoff
The Reflecting Physician -- Einat Avrahami
Assembling a Shared Life in Anders Nilsen’s Don’t Go Where I Can’t Follow -- Tahneer Oksman
Ways of Looking: Reading PathoGraphics -- Nina Schmidt
The Comics Pain Scale and Comics About Pain -- Ariela Freedman
The Tightrope to Equilibrium: Parkinson’s Disease in Literature and Comics -- Irmela Marei Krüger-Fürhoff
“Her Leg”: Chris Ware’s Body of Work -- Rieke Jordan
Crafting Psychiatric Contention Through Single-Panel Cartoons -- Helen Spandler
Subverting Stigma: Community Building in Serial Comics -- Leah Misemer
Psychosis Blues: Schizophrenia, Comics, and Collaboration -- Elizabeth J. Donaldson
The Quickening -- stef lenk
Interview with stef lenk on The Quickening -- Irmela Marei Krüger-Fürhoff and Susan Merrill Squier
Desire Paths: PathoGraphics and Transgenerational Trauma -- Maureen Burdock
Scaling Graphic Medicine: The Porous Pathography, a New Kind of Illness Narrative -- Susan Merrill Squier
Picturing anti-Semitism in the Nazi-occupied Netherlands: anti-Jewish stereotyping in a racist Second World War comic strip – Kees Ribbens
Four colour anti-fascism: postwar narratives and the obfuscation of the Holocaust in East German comics – Sean Eedy
De-Judaizing the Shoah in Polish comic books – Ewa Stańczyk
Between memory, didacticism and the Jewish revival: The Holocaust in Italian comic books – Paolino Nappi
The Shoah, Czech comics and Drda/Mazal’s “The Enormous Disc of the Sun” – José Alaniz
“Draw yourself out of it”: Miriam Katin’s graphic metamorphosis of trauma – Diederik Oostdijk
Mapping transgenerational memory of the Shoah in third generation graphic narratives: on Amy Kurzweil’s Flying Couch (2016) – Dana Mihăilescu
Not seeing Auschwitz: memory, generation and representations of the Holocaust in twenty-first century French comics – Claire Gorrara
Streeten, Nicola. UK Feminist Cartoons and Comics: A Critical Survey. Palgrave, 2020. DOI: Szép, Eszter. Comic and the Body: Drawing, Reading, and Vulnerability. Ohio State University Press, 2020. Tarbox, Gwen Athene. Children’s and Young Adult Comics. Bloomsbury, 2020. DOI: Toku, Masami and Hiromi Tsuchiya Dollase, editors. Manga!: Visual Pop-Culture in ARTS Education. InSEA Publications, 2020. DOI:
Introduction-- Maskami Toku and Hiromi Tsychiya Dollase
The Grammar of Manga: Manga’s Inherent Hyōgen ‘Stylistics’-- Fusanosuke Natsume
Manga’s Influences: New Direction of Artistic and Aesthetic Developments in Children’s Pictorial World-- Masami Toku
A Look at Manga in Japanese Public Education-- Osamu Sahara
Lesson Learned from Manga High: A Pedagogical Approach for Educators-- Michael Bitz
Becoming and Unbecoming a Mangaka: The Informal and Formal Pedagogy of Fame-- Brent Wilson
Manga as Childhood Visual Culture-- Ryan Shin and Jihyun Sohn
Manga Mashup on Second Life: Kawaii Cute Clothes, Creatures and Creeps-- Mary Stokrocki
Youth Animé/Manga Dōjin/Fan Art as a Hybrid Space: Rethinking Creativity and Learning-- Jin-Shiow Chen
Imaginary Depictions of Sexuality and Gender Construction in Manga- A Case Study of Three Manga Fans-- Hsiao-ping Chen
Questioning the Racial Question: Scenes from Manga, Theater Auditions, and Other Unlikely Places-- Natsu Onoda Power
We Are Now United by the Common Language Called “Manga”-- Machiko Satonaka
Manga as a Teaching Tool for Enhancing Learning and Understanding of Japanese Classical Literature-- Paola Scrolavezza
Toward “Reciprocal Legitimation” between Shakespeare’s Works and Manga-- Yukari Yoshihara
Looking at the Human World through the Eyes of Yokai in Natsume’s Book of Friends--Hiromi Tsuchiya Dollase
Girls in Boys’ and Men’s Manga-- Mia Elise Lewis
From Fukushima to Hiroshima: Teaching Social Engagement through Manga-- Tomoko Aoyama, Kenko Kawasaki, and Lucy Fraser
Teaching the 3.11 Earthquake and Disaster in Japanese Language Classroom-- Hiromi Tsuchiya Dollase
The Japanese the Japanese Don’t Know in the Japanese Language Classroom-- Nathen Clerici
A Japanese Manga Literature Textbook for Developing Communicative Competence-- Mitsuaki Shimojo
What Can We Do with Emotive Adjectives?: Manga as a Visual Facilitator of Empathetic Expressions-- Sayaka Abe
Manga in the Mix: Naruto and Media Specificity-- Rachael Hutchinson
Teaching Manga: A Medium Specific Approach to Manga/Comics beyond Area Studies--Shige (CJ) Suzuki
Varughese, E. Dawson, and Rajinder Dudrah, editors. Graphic Novels and Visual Cultures in South Asia. Routledge, 2020. DOI:
Graphics of the Multitude: Reading Figure and Text in Drawing from the City -- Filippo Menozzi
Development Narratives, Media and Women in Pakistan: Shifts and Continuities -- Shirin Zubair
Diasporic (Dis)Identification: The Participatory Fandom of Ms. Marvel -- Winona Landis
Visualising Caste: A Gardener in the Wasteland and the politics of graphic adaptation -- Deepali Yadav
Watching Zindagi, Pakistani Social Lives on Indian TV -- Spandan Bhattacharya and Anugyan Nag
War Cry of the Beggars: An exploration into city, cinema and graphic narratives -- Madhuja Mikherjee
Remnants of a Separation: a ghara and a gaz, from Lahore to Amritsar to Delhi -- Aanchal Malhotra
Tamil Comics: New Media, revival, and the recovery of history -- Swarnavel Eswaran Pillai
‘IMPOSTERS’: an interview with graphic artist and designer Orijit Sen -- E. Dawson Varughese
Wanzo, Rebecca. The Content of Our Caricature: African American Comic Art and Political Belonging. New York University Press, 2020.
Weissbrod, Rachel, and Ayelet Kohn. Translating the Visual: A Multimodal Perspective. Routledge, 2019. Williams, Paul. Dreaming the Graphic Novel: The Novelization of Comics. Rutgers University Press, 2020. DOI:
Withers, Jeremy. Futuristic Cars and Space Bicycles: Contesting the Road in American Science Fiction. Liverpool University Press, 2020. DOI: 10.3828/liverpool/9781789621754.001.0001
Articles and Essays
The citations in this section include peer-reviewed journal articles and essays from scholarly anthologies not primarily devoted to comics.
Abate, Michelle Ann. “The Far Side of Comeeks: Gary Larson, Lynda Barry, and Ugliness.” ImageText, vol. 11, no. 2, 2020.
Abate, Michelle Ann. ““They’re Quite Strange in the Larval Stage”: Children and Childhood in Gary Larson’s “The Far Side”.” International Journal of Comic Art, vol. 21, no. 1, 2019, pp. 390-422.
Acosta, Claudia Maria. “Print and PDF Culture: The Transmediation of Public Intimacy, Allied Readership and Feminist Collage by Millennial Zinesters.” ImageText, vol. 11, no. 3, 2020.
Ahmed, Maaheen. “From the Archives: The Alain Van Passen Collection: At the Crossroads of Comics Collecting and Critique.” Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society, vol. 4, no.2, 2020, pp. 221-236.
Ahrens, Jörn. Joe Sacco and the Quest for Documentation in Comics.” ImageText, vol. 11, no. 1, 2020.
Aigbedion, Irenae A. “Graphic Accounts of Violence: Visualizing Slavery in American Comics.” ImageText, vol. 11, no. 2, 2020.
Akgün, Buket. “Mythology Moe-Ified: Classical Witches, Warriors, and Monsters in Japanese Manga.” Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, vol. 11, no. 3, 2020, pp. 271–84, doi:10.1080/21504857.2019.1566155.
Akiyama, Yasuko. “Ambitious Women in Male Manga Magazines: Sakuran and Hataraki-Man by Anno Moyoco.” International Journal of Comic Art, vol. 21, no. 1, 2019, pp. 498-507.
Alaniz, José. "’Death Drive’ to Los Alamos: Puma Blues as Eco-Male-ancholia." American Imago, vol. 77, no. 3, 2020, pp. 533–67, doi: 10.1353/aim.2020.0029.
Albiero, Olivia. “Between Free Movement and Confinement: Overcoming Boundaries in Simon Schwartz’s Drüben! And Colleen Frakes’s Prison Island.” Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, vol. 11, no. 1, Jan. 2020, pp. 96–116, doi:10.1080/21504857.2019.1570293.
Albiero, Olivia. “Interview with Simon Schwartz.” Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, vol. 11, no. 1, Jan. 2020, pp. 134–41, doi:10.1080/21504857.2019.1615968.
Alemán, Alvaro and Eduardo Villacís. “Faith in Comics: Ex-voto Religious Offerings and Comic Art.” International Journal of Comic Art, vol. 21, no. 1, 2019, pp. 594-601.
Alemán, Alvaro, and Eduardo Villacís. “Pointed Language: Reading Paola Gaviria’s Virus Tropical (2009) from the Perspective of the Visual Protocols of the Graphic Novel.” International Journal of Comic Art, vol. 21, no. 1, 2019, pp. 184-191.
Aletta, Alessio. “From the Dark Wood to the Asphalt Jungle: Adaptation and Appropriation in Detective Dante”. Between, Vol. 10, no. 20, Nov. 2020, pp. 267-99, doi:10.13125/2039-6597/4220.
Anderson, Brianna. “Revolutionary paratext and critical pedagogy in Nathan Hale’s One Dead Spy.” Studies in Comics, vol. 11, no. 1, 2020, pp. 127-46. doidoi: 10.1386/stic_00018_1.
Ashkenazi, Ofer, and Jakob Dittmar. “Belonging in Auto|Biographical Comics: Narratives of Exile in the German Heimat.” a/b: Auto/Biography Studies, vol. 35, no. 2, 2020, pp. 331–57, doidoi: 10.1080/08989575.2020.1741178. Ashkenazi, Ofer, and Jakob Dittmar. “Comics as Historiography.” ImageText, vol. 11, no. 1, 2020.
Backe, Hans-Joachim. “Beyond Dominance, Mixture, and Hybridity. On the Challenges of Hypercomplex Objects.” Between, vol. 10, no. 20, 2020, doidoi: 10.13125/2039-6597/4204.
Bannister, Allison. “A Fairytale Box of Thermochromic Fragments: Comics Materiality, Theory and Praxis.” ImageText, vol. 11, no. 3, 2020.
Barbour, Chad A. “The Fine Art of Genocide: Underground Comix and U.S. History as Horror Story.” International Journal of Comic Art, vol. 21, no. 1, 2019, pp. 519-538.
Barthold, Willi. “The Swordsman as the Artist: Aesthetics of Fragmentation in Eiichirō Oda’s One Piece and 21st Century Cultural Hybridity.” ImageText, vol. 11, no. 2, 2020.
Battaglia, Francesca. “Gender Boundaries in Saiyūki by Kazuya Minekura: The Queer Family as a Model of Leadership.” Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, vol. 11, no. 3, 2020, pp. 285–95, doi:10.1080/21504857.2019.1568272.
Beard, David, and John Moffatt. "Pimitamon. Conceptualizing a New Canadian North through the Graphic Narratives of Jeff Lemire." Nordlit, no. 46, 2020, pp. 160-183. doidoi: 10.7557/13.5540
Berlatsky, Eric, and Sika Dagbovie-Mullins. "The Mixed-Race Child Within. Psychoanalyzing Race, Trauma, Vermin, and Spider-Man." American Imago, vol. 77, no. 3, 2020, pp. 569–601, doi: 10.1353/aim.2020.0030.
Berndt, Jaqueline. “Conjoined by Hand: Aesthetic Materiality in Kouno Fumiyo’s Manga In This Corner of the World.” Mechademia: Second Arc, vol. 12, no. 2, 2020, pp. 83–101, doi:10.5749/mech.12.2.0083.
Birk, Tammy. "Mother, Come Home: Trauma, Time, and Groundskeeping the Disaster." American Imago, vol. 77, no. 3, 2020, pp. 497–531, doi: 10.1353/aim.2020.0028.
Boer, Sam. “‘Maybe I’ll make something with it’: Comics as alternative sex education.” Studies in Comics, vol. 11, no. 1, 2020, pp. 87-107. doi: 10.1386/stic_00016_1.
Bond, Susan. (2020) ““It’s Showtime, Synergy!”: Musical Sequences in Jem and the Holograms”, The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship 10(1). doi: Boonin-Vail, Eli. “"The Body of the Nation": Ta-Nehisi Coates' Black Panther and the Black Literary Tradition.” Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society, vol. 4, no.2, 2020, pp. 135-155.
Brinker, Felix. "Reader mobilization and the courting of fannish consumption practices in 1970s Marvel superhero comic books." Participations, vol. 17, no. 2, 2020.
Burt, Stephanie. "How to Write About Superheroes." American Literary History, vol. 32, no. 3, 2020, pp. 598–608, doi: 10.1093/alh/ajaa018.
Camden, Vera J. “The Thought Bubble and Its Vicissitudes in Contemporary Comics.” American Imago, vol. 77, no. 3, 2020, pp. 603–38, doi: 10.1353/aim.2020.0031.
Canepari, Michela. “The Myth of Frankenstein from Mary Shelley to Gris Grimly: Some Intersemiotic and Ideological Issues.” International Journal of Comic Art, vol. 21, no. 1, 2019, pp. 665-692.
Cannon, Sam, and Hugo Hinojosa Lobos. “Chile’s Military Dictatorship and Comics as Alternative Methods of Memorialization: Critical Approaches from Contemporary Chilean Graphic Novels.” International Journal of Comic Art, vol. 21, no. 1, 2019, pp. 329-349.
Castaldi, Simone. “‘The Inexhaustible Surface of Things’: Stefano Tamburini's Comic Book Work.” European Comic Art, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 70-94. doi:
Chavanne, Renaud. “The Bunker and the Desert: On the Motif of the Cube-panel in Inside Mœbius.” European Comic Art, vol. 13, no. 2, Sep. 2020, pp. 6–36. doi:
Cheurfa, Hiyem. "Testifying Graphically. Bearing Witness to a Palestinian Childhood in Leila Abdelrazaq’s Baddawi." a/b: Auto/Biography Studies, vol. 35, no. 2, 2020, pp. 359–82, doi: 10.1080/08989575.2020.1741185.
Chute, Hillary. “Comics.” The Oxford Handbook of Law and Humanities. Edited by Simon Stern, Maksymilian Del Mar, and Bernadette Meyler. Oxford University Press, 2020.
Clewell, Tammy. "Beyond Graphic Memoir. Visualizing Third-Generation German Cultural Identity in Nora Krug’s Belonging." American Imago, vol. 77, no. 3, 2020, pp. 459–96, doi: 10.1353/aim.2020.0027. Cone, Annabelle. “The “Bobo” (bourgeois-bohème) as Post-Modern Figure? Gentrification and Globalization in Dupuy and Berberian’s Monsieur Jean and Boboland.” International Journal of Comic Art, vol. 21, no. 1, 2019, pp. 62-78.
Cooley, Kevin and Madeline B. Gangnes. “Drawn to Reconcile: The Queer Reparative Journey of ElfQuest.” Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society, vol. 4, no.2, 2020, pp. 156-178.
Corcoran, Miranda. (2020) “Bleeding Panels, Leaking Forms: Reading the Abject in Emily Carroll’s Through the Woods (2014)”, The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship 10(1). p.5. doi:
Cowling, Sam. “Rethinking Racial Ontology through McDuffie's Deathlok.” Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society, vol. 4, no.2, 2020, pp. 179-198.
Crucifix, Benoît, and Sylvain Lesage. “(À Suivre) Overseas: The Transatlantic Circulation of the French Graphic Novel.” Journal of Comics and Culture, vol. 5, 2020, pp. 131-52.
Curtis, Neal. “The Specters of Captain America: Time and the Haunting of American Politics”. Inks: The Journal of the Comics Studies Society, vol. 4, no.1, 2020, pp.1-21.
Curto, Gemma. "Floods in contemporary biocentric graphic novels." Green Letters, vol. 24, no. 1, 2020, pp. 6–22, doi: 10.1080/14688417.2020.1752508.
Dahlberg-Dodd, Hannah E. “O-Jōsama Kotoba and a Stylistics of Same-Sex Desire in Japanese Yuri Narratives.” Mechademia: Second Arc, vol. 13, no. 1, 2020, pp. 6–23, doi:10.5749/mech.13.1.0006.
Dallavalle, Sara. “Popular Format and Auteur Format in Italian Comics. The Case of Magnus.” .” International Journal of Comic Art, vol. 21, no. 1, 2019, pp. 300-328.
Darowski, John. “Superman’s Remediation of Mid-20th Century American Identity.” International Journal of Comic Art, vol. 21, no. 1, 2019, pp. 539-566.
Davies, Dominic. "Dreamlands, Border Zones, and Spaces of Exception. Comics and Graphic Narratives on the US-Mexico Border." a/b: Auto/Biography Studies, vol. 35, no. 2, 2020, pp. 383–403, doi: 10.1080/08989575.2020.1741187.
Davies, Dominic. “Graphic Katrina: Disaster Capitalism, Tourism Gentrification and the Affect Economy in Josh Neufeld’s A.D.: New Orleans after the Deluge (2009).” Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, vol. 11, no. 3, May 2020, pp. 325–40, doi:10.1080/21504857.2019.1575256.
Declercq, Dieter. “Drawing Truth Differently. Matt Bors’ Fictional Satire and Non-Fictional Journalism.” ImageText, vol. 11, no. 1, 2020.
De Dobbeleer, Michel. “(Ultra)Minor Comics? Opening Up the History of (Post-)Yugoslav and Bulgarian Comics to Outsiders.” Territories: A Trans-Cultural Journal of Regional Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, 2020, pp. 132-155.
De Dobbeleer, Michel. “The ‘Belgrade Circle’: Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol and Tolstoy in Serbian Interwar Comics.” SESDiva (South and East Slavs: Diversity and Interaction of Written Cultures, 11th‐20th c.), 16 Jan. 2020.
DeHart, Jason D. “’Superhero City:’ A Comic Book Reader’s Autoethnography.” Image & Narrative, vol. 21, no. 2, 2020, pp. 104-13.
de la Iglesia, Martin. “Formal Characteristics of Animal Liberation in Comics.” Closure, no. 7, Nov. 2020, pp. 90-110. Der-Chung, Chu (Zola Zu), and John A. Lent. “The Chus: A Family Teeming with Cartoonists.” Translation by Xu Ying. International Journal of Comic Art, vol. 21, no. 1, 2019, pp. 585-593.
Díaz-Basteris, María Fernanda. "Traumatic Displacement in Puerto Rican Digital Graphic Narratives." a/b: Auto/Biography Studies, vol. 35, no. 2, 2020, pp. 467–74, doi: 10.1080/08989575.2020.1741188.
Earle, Harriet. “The Politics of Lace in Kate Evans’ Threads: From the Refugee Crisis (2017).” The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship, vol. 10, no. 1, 2020,. doi:
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