CALL FOR PROPOSALS: International Comic Arts Forum April 4-6, 2019 St. Ambrose University Davenport, Iowa
ICAF invites proposals for scholarly presentations for its twentieth meeting, to be held at St. Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa, from April 4-6, 2019. Our keynote speaker will be Dr. Ana Merino, Professor of Spanish Creative Writing at the University of Iowa. Confirmed guest artists and writers include Marnie Galloway (In the Sounds and Seas), Rob Guillory (Chew, Farmhand), Jaime Hernandez (Love and Rockets), Fernando Iglesias “Kohell” (Gorka, Impresiones de la Isla), and Alberto Ledesma (Diary of a Reluctant Dreamer).
ICAF welcomes original proposals from diverse disciplines and theoretical perspectives on any aspect of comics or cartooning, particularly studies that reflect an international perspective. Studies of aesthetics, production, distribution, reception, and social, ideological, and historical significance are equally welcome, as are studies that address larger theoretical issues linked to comics or cartooning, for example in image/text studies or new media theory.
Among the thematic panels we hope to offer are discussions on Spanish, Latin/x American, and US Latin/x comics, the topic of immigration in comics and cartooning, and social/political/testimonial comics. Submissions in these areas are particularly encouraged, though not required.
The deadline to submit proposals is O̶c̶t̶o̶b̶e̶r̶ ̶1̶5̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶8̶. The deadline has been extended to Monday, October 29th!
PROPOSAL GUIDELINES: ICAF prefers argumentative, thesis-driven presentations that are clearly linked to larger critical, artistic, or cultural issues; we avoid those that are survey-like in character. We accept original 20-minute presentations that have not been presented or accepted for publication elsewhere and prefer those accompanied by images that illustrate the arguments made. Presenters can assume an audience versed in comics and the fundamentals of comics studies. Proposals should not exceed 300 words.
SEND ABSTRACTS (with contact information in the body of the email) by October 29, 2018, to Brittany Tullis, ICAF Academic Director, at [email protected]. All proposals will be subject to blind review.
Receipt of all proposals will be acknowledged. Applicants can expect to receive confirmation of acceptance or rejection by December 14, 2018.
ICAF also sponsors the John A. Lent Scholarship in Comics Studies. This scholarship is awarded to a current student who has authored, or is in the process of authoring, a substantial research-based writing project about comics. Applications for this scholarship are due by November 30, 2018. To help defray the cost of attendance for international guests, a limited number of registration waivers may be granted at the discretion of the Executive Committee. More information will be made available upon acceptance of proposals.